Make an Appointment: 5874158385 | [email protected]

  • Administration & Support

    Emily Wojdak, BA 

    Hello, nice to meet you! 

    I am Emily. I am the Administrative and Marketing Coordinator, and I’m also the primary point of contact for the Integrative Trauma and PTSD Recovery Centre. I take care of the schedules for all of our clinicians, billing and insurance details, as well as designing all of our posts on social media. 

    I also make a great cup of coffee or tea for when you walk in! I recently obtained my Bachelor of Arts from MacEwan University in Sociology and Psychology, with a specialization in Criminology; in the study of young offenders. Currently, I’m on the road to getting my degree in Social Work. 

    When you first walk through our doors; my primary focus is making you feel welcome and safe. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions, or for something to drink or nibble on while you wait for your session; and you’re always welcome to chat with me. Looking forward to meeting you.